Make a donation

Fleet and Church Crookham Parish of The Holy Trinity & Our Lady Normal Collections

Bank Transfer Details:

Bank Account No. 01862597

Sort Code: 30-93-04

Bank Account Name: CDP Fleet and Church Crookham

Make Cheques Payable to: CDP Fleet and Church Crookham

We ask when you make a donation that you indicate in the Payment Reference the purpose for our ease of allocating funds.

For example, ‘MASS INT’ for Mass Intentions.

If you are a gift aider and are not sure you have registered this please get in touch with the office it is a big help at no extra cost to you!

For the Parish SPECIAL PROJECT FUND: Sort Code 30-93-04, Account Number: 00876411

For the Parish CENTENARY FUND: Sort 30-93-04, Account Number: 01862058